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Congressman Mo Brooks reacts to debt ceiling debate

Saturday 23 July 2011

Debt ceiling talks broke down Friday in Washington, D.C. as House Speaker John Boehner backed out of negotiations. President Obama called for lawmakers to meet at the White House Saturday morning.  

"I've been left at the altar now a couple of times, and I think that one of the questions that the Republican Party is going to have to ask itself is, can they say yes to anything?" said President Obama.

Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks said the question isn't whether his side of the aisle can say yes, but what are they saying yes to. Brooks said the president and the Democrats have not presented any clear plan to solve the debt ceiling debate, with no specific spending cuts, mostly targeting tax increases.

"The democrats live off of tax increases. That's their number one solution to every kind of challenge that faces the federal government the state government the local government. You make it more difficult for job creators to create jobs," said Brooks.

Brooks said the problem with raising the debt ceiling without cutting spending the way the GOP wants to is, that in the long term, deficit increases will put the United States in danger of bankruptcy.

"The only solution I've seen that can conceivably work is a balanced budget constitutional amendment that forces America, over some period of time, to phase it in to get to the point that thereafter we cannot have deficits because the constitution does not allow us to spend money that the American people don't have," added Brooks.

Brooks will hold a town hall meeting Saturday morning at 10 a.m. at the Huntsville Public Library.

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