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Obama Should Marginalize GOP Over Debt Ceiling Debate

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Your 50th birthday is nearly upon you this summer, falling on August 4, roughly when the full faith and credit of the U.S. Treasury may collapse in the global economy.

What an awful present to a forever-young president. Sorry, but right now, the sunny glow of youth is not a good look for you. Age and gravitas would become you better than the grace of a gazelle, as you move. And the candles at the court—well, they're not burning very bright these mid-summer nights. Something has got to give. Mind if I offer more free advice, gift-wrapped, to someone I wish well?
House Republicans would dearly love to give a gift of default to you by refusing to raise the nation's debt ceiling, resulting in calamity on top of a deep recession and high joblessness. Let their handwriting be all over that wall. A group of GOP House freshmen are ready to darken your door at the White House with more demands. Don't let them in, and, more to the point, don't engage your extreme enemies. It didn't work out in the Bible's 23rd Psalm, and it won't work out now. A friendly word of warning: Don't invite your enemies to your birthday parties to make friends.
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