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French Beware Mass Suicide in end of 2012

Sunday 19 June 2011

The French government has warned of the risk of mass suicide in the country by people who believe the world will self-destruct next year.

Disaster lately - including the earthquake in Japan - as well as concerns over pandemic and economic problems - creating a climate of global fear, which for some people this is a sign of the coming catastrophe.

Bugarach hamlet, in the south of France, has attracted the attention of a government watchdog that monitors cults and spiritual activities are suspicious.

Bugarach and rocky hills Pic de Burarach been visited by visitors to the New Age in the last few months. They believe it is the only place in the world that will last at end on December 21, 2012.

This is the date at which many believe the world will end according to an ancient Mayan prophecy. This theory is rooted in the world but they seem to be most prevalent for many in France.

A report published yesterday by the supervisor, Miviludes, said the beautiful village near Carcassonne should be monitored towards the end of 2012.

Miviludes President Georges Fenech said, "I think we need to be careful. We must not paranoid, but when you look at what happened in Waco, United States, we know this kind of thinking can affect susceptible people."

Waco, Texas, made headlines in 1993 when federal agents raided the Branch Davidian compound movement, led by David Koresh, the siege during 50hari. The building was burned when the agent finally tried to force entry, causing 80 people dead.

Bugarach and Pic de Bugarach has been shrouded in legend for centuries. Supervisors added that the increase in visitors to the area has pushed property prices and increasing the threat of financial fraud and psychological manipulation.

With a population of only 200, Bugarach has long been considered magical, partly because the locals claim it as a mountain upside down where the top layer of rocks older than the lower.

The Internet is filled with myths about the village. These include the belief that the mountain is surrounded by a magnetic force, which is the site of a hidden alien base, or even have access to another world underground.

Mr Fenech said he had recently visited the area, and found six settlements in the surrounding countryside was founded by members of the American Ramtha School of Enlightenment ..

He said the groups have organized a conference messianic paid in local hotels. "This is big business," he added.

In addition to the risk in Bugarach, Miviludes report also warned of increased activity of Apocalyptic groups across France until 2012.

Among the groups that are highlighted in the report, called the Ramtha movement focusing on the south-western France to spread his message.

Founded by J.Z. Knight, the group claims to follow the mystical teachings of Ramtha, a warrior who fought Lemurean of Atlantis 35,000 years ago, and was said to have discovered the secret of immortality.

Other groups including the Raelians are supervised, which was founded by former sports car journalist who claimed to have met aliens many times.

The report says the goal is not to stigmatize the movement, but to inform the public about groups or individuals who have a doctrine or a theory of discourse about the end of the world.

Since the end of the Roman Empire there have been 183 false predictions of doom and is multiplied with the Internet and new technologies.

Miviludes was established in 2002 to track the activities of the sect, after a rule was passed in France the previous year which prohibits the abuse of vulnerable people using heavy pressure technique, which means the sects could be banned if there is evidence of fraud or abuse.
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