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Obama: 33,000 troops Ready to Leave Afghanistan

Saturday 25 June 2011

Barack Obama has announced plans to start pulling U.S. troops from Afghanistan. About 10,000 troops will be withdrawn by the end of this year, and followed by 23,000 troops in 2012. Similarly, as quoted by Orange, on Thursday (23 / 6).
In the U.S. television station to change its policies, the president said troops would be in drag as soon as possible as well as the takeover of power and security of Afghanistan for his country in 2014. "It is time for America to focus on nation building," he said.
Since Obama entered the palace, which has 33,000 troops withdrawn from Afghanistan and 70,000 sesisanya will follow. He said the U.S. could bring home the troops because Al Qaeda is now more depressed since the 11th of September 2001.
Obama said the U.S. would participate in peace in Afghanistan, including the Taliban. Creating a government security forces are stronger.
Pengumumna comes from William Hague who, after a report that confirms that the peace talks between the Taliban and the British Government has occurred. "This is the beginning of our efforts to stop this war." Obama said.
The Taliban said that the withdrawal is only symbolic and it is only a superficial improvement.
After that French President Nicolas Sarkozy to immediately withdraw its troops from Afghanistan, along with a schedule of withdrawal of American troops.
Withdrawal of about 4,000 French troops will take a coordinated "Together with our allies and the Afghan government, proportionately this is comparable to the withdrawal of American troops," said a statement from Sarkozy's office.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister David Cameron has said the withdrawal of British troops will be based on conditions on the ground. Downing Street said Mr Cameron had been fully agreed on the assessment of the President on the situation Afghanistandan discuss the implications of the U.S. schedule.
NATO Secretary General welcomes the announcement of Obama on it would be followed in close consultation with partners and NATO allies. "We have seen great changes, the Taliban now under pressure," he said.
Afghan security forces are getting stronger every day and the transition to lead the security of Afghanistan is now in the process and will be completed in 2014.(pikiran-rakyat.com)
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