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Obama: Sometimes I Want to Give Up

Saturday 18 June 2011

United States presidential election will be held next year. Republicans are already starting to roll out their presidential candidate debates. What about President Barack Obama?

Apparently Michelle Obama and their two children do not really care whether Obama will pursue a second term or not.

"Michelle and the kids okay if I say 'I want to do something different'. They are fixated on the 'father became president, or my husband becomes president." However, they believe in what we do, "I'm Obama in an interview with Ann Curry for the television program "Today Show" that aired on NBC on Tuesday (06/14/2011).

Obama also admitted to sometimes want to quit. "There must be times when I say one more term is enough," said the 44th president of U.S..

However, he added, which keeps him are still many tasks unfinished, especially about energy, education, and some other issues.

Important to him, if his family happy, he'll be happy.

"If my family is fine, if Michelle does not complain, I still have the energy to continue what I do now," he said.

Prospective Republican opponent of asking Americans to make Obama "one term president." One of Mitt Romney who called Obama's failure in terms of health insurance.

"Obamacare is a bad law, bad policy and bad for American families. That is the reason President Obama will be president one term in office," he told supporters in New Hampshire.
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